11/18/2024 8:59:24 AM Privy Council gives major boost to minority shareholders against oppressive majority conduct By John Flint The Privy Council in Tianrui (International) Holding and others [2024] has confirmed that a minority shareholder has a right of action...
11/7/2024 12:43:53 PM New super-body to represent the UK real estate industry By Sarah Manley The Investment Property Forum (IPF), the British Property Federation (BPF) and the Association of Real Estate Funds (AREF) are in talks...
11/6/2024 10:43:59 AM Driving housebuilding and urban regeneration By Laurence Lacey Laurence Lacey and Billy Poulter, partners in our Bristol and Manchester commercial property teams attended the Homes England Investment...
11/1/2024 5:20:36 PM Computer says "yes"? Dozens of divorces wrongly approved By Adam Maguire It has been reported this week that, between April 2022 and April 2024, a total of 96 applications for divorce were made on the first...