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New super-body to represent the UK real estate industry

The Investment Property Forum (IPF), the British Property Federation (BPF) and the Association of Real Estate Funds (AREF) are in talks to combine forces to create a new body to represent the interests of the UK real estate industry, with a formal proposal expected in 2025.

Bringing together the views, expertise and priorities of the existing bodies will promote a single coherent voice on behalf of stakeholders which can be heard more clearly above the market throng. It will be great to see which issue the new body chooses to focus on first.

The IPF’s Mission is to advance the understanding and efficiency of real estate as a major investment asset class. To achieve this, collaboration with other industry organisations, particularly the Association of Real Estate Funds (AREF) and the British Property Federation (BPF), is essential. The market is facing significant structural changes, including new participants (both domestic and global), shifting investor priorities, new favoured sectors and increasing regulation and legislation particularly regarding ESG matters, reporting frameworks, corporate structures.


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