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Crime and Policing Bill 2025 Roundtable

It was such a privilege to partake in the Crime and Policing Bill 2025 Roundtable hosted by Justice and Green & Burton ASB Associates to discuss the new proposed bill.

The aim of the session was to consult on the proposals with a focus on its strengths, weaknesses, and potential suggestions/amendments to submit for parliamentary consideration. 

A full summary of the submissions will be prepared in due course, but in the interim, a really big thank you to Janine Green of Green & Burton for the opportunity to be a part of shaping the legislative reform, and to collaborate with other other ASB practitioners. 

For a summary of the key proposed changes you can access my previous article here

Further information and guidance will be released as the bill moves through Parliament but if you would like to discuss then please get in touch with our housing management team.


london, events, housing management, social housing