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Court Fees to Increase from 1st April 2025

Look out for a Court fee increase in relation to new applications received by the Court's from 1 April 2025 onwards. 

The Ministry of Justice has announced that 171 Court fees, including fees payable in the County Court, Magistrates Court and other Tribunals, will increase to reflect the changes in CPI.  

To avoid Court documents being sent back unprocessed due to the incorrect fee being paid, it's important to identify changes in the Court fees that your organisation uses the most.  With financial year ends looming, it will be important to factor these increases into legal budgets for the new year ahead.

Key increases to highlight for Social Landlords using the County Court are:

  1. The issue fee for a possession claim increases from £391 to £404
  2. The issue fee for an Injunction claim increases from £365 to £377
  3. The fee for an on notice N244 Application Notice rises from £303 to £313 
  4. N244 applications made by consent or without notice will rise from £119 to £123
  5. A request for Warrant for Possession will now attract a fee of £148, up from £143
  6. The hearing fee for a fast track Trial increases from £545 to £619
  7. The hearing fee for a multi track Trial meanwhile increases from £1,175 to £1,334

There are some decreases in fees as well but very few apply to the types of applications made by Social Landlords.  

Two decreases that may be of interest are a decrease in the fee for a Memorandum of Conviction from the Magistrates Court which reduces from £20 to £15. Memorandums are of course essential when proving, for example, serious criminal convictions for the purposes of Ground 7A mandatory possession claims.  

The other reduction is in relation to the issue of a witness summons to compel a witness to attend Trial. This fee reduces from £21 to £4.  

Given both of these fees are very rarely use, it does little to offset the increases on the more common and very regularly incurred fees outline above.

A full list of the changes can be found on the Government website.  The changes are subject to parliamentary approval but it's difficult to see a reason why the recommendations would be refused.  

Do contact our specialist Housing Management team if we can assist further with any queries.

In early April 2025, and subject to parliamentary approval, the Ministry of Justice will increase 171 court and tribunal fees


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