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A reminder of the benefit of nuptial agreement and ringfencing inherited wealth in divorce.

An interesting case (ST v AR [2025] EWFC 4), and informative summary here by Jessica Reid, regarding the ringfencing of inherited wealth against balancing the needs of the wife on divorce.

I particularly like the commentary regarding whether the existence of a nuptial agreement would have changed the outcome in this case. And, I agree - probably not as the case centred on an assessment of the wife's reasonable needs - but highlight that a pre or post nuptial agreement would have perhaps saved the parties from the costs and time/ impact that litigation would likely have had upon them both by making the outcome more controlled and certain for each of them.  

concept of matrimonialisation should be narrowly applied when the source of the wealth is non-matrimonial. Hugely helpful to a spouse seeking to protect their inherited wealth.


manchester, family law, views, press