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Are you ready to support World Encephalitis Day 2025?

As one of Encephalitis' International's legal partners, Clarke Willmott is proud to support World Encephalitis Day, otherwise known as #Red4WED. 

The annual awareness day reaches millions worldwide and plays a pivotal role in helping the charity meet its mission of “Rebuilding futures around the world by saving lives, accelerating awareness and driving research”.

This year, #Red4WED takes place on 22 February 2025 and you can get involved by lighting up a local landmark in red, wearing something red and supporting Encephalitis' International's “Countdown to Change” appeal - World Encephalitis Day | Encephalitis International.

Whilst we make our plans for #Red4WED 2025, check out our video from our 2024 campaign. Former client, Joanne, shares the story of her daughter Allana, who tragically lost her life due to a poor understanding of Encephalitis, and explains the vital role Encephalitis International plays in supporting those impacted by Encephalitis.  

World Encephalitis Day (WED) is the biggest day of the year for people whose lives have been affected by inflammation of the brain. Since its launch in 2014, World Encephalitis Day has reached 628 million people globally in our efforts to grow global awareness of encephalitis.


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