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Exciting breakthrough in spinal cord injury rehabilitation

It's great to see the life-changing progress Sarra has made on the Pathfinder 2 trial. This study evaluates the safety and efficacy of transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation combined with activity-based therapy in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) via community-based rehabilitation.  

This exciting research and technology could improve rehabilitation and recovery for those living with SCI, leading to greater function and independence.  

The SCI charity, Spinal Research is funding three other studies involving use of implantable and external spinal cord stimulation systems, including:

  1. clinical studies for the restoration of hand and arm function
  2. improvements to help with bladder; and
  3. bowel control and the reduction of debilitating nerve pain.

Improvements in any of these areas will have a huge impact on the everyday independence, spontaneity and quality of life for people living with paralysis.

This ongoing research and trials are producing promising results. Hopefully, it won't be too long before we see treatment and therapies which will deliver much better functional recovery for all those suffering an SCI.

If you or a loved one has sustained an SCI in an accident or as a result of a medical mistake, our award-winning serious injury and medical negligence claims solicitors can help you claim compensation and rebuild your life.

A woman paralysed seven years ago said a medical trial involving spinal stimulation had helped her regain the use of her hands.


national, serious injury and medical negligence, healthcare, technology