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World first data sharing project to improve road safety

TRL - The Future of Transport is to start a partnership with medics in Southampton using previously uncoordinated data to improve road safety and reduce fatalities and serious injuries on our roads.

For the first time, data from ambulances, air ambulances, police, the DfT, coroners and hospitals will be linked.

Initially focused in Dorset, Hampshire and Thames Valley, the project can be scaled up nationally, subject to funding.

The findings will inform national road safety policies and global best practices.

Philip Edwards, a road traffic accident claims specialist with Clarke Willmott said:-

“The stated goal of this project is to address road crashes and their consequences, to save life and create safer future roads. It is all to easy to forget the real life tragedies that serious injury or death on the roads mean - and an integrated project like this, with a real chance of reducing the number of such events is something I know my clients will welcome. The refrain I often hear from them is the hope that no one else has to go through what they have gone through. I will be following the project with interest."

TRL is partnering with University Hospital Southampton to reduce road deaths by linking health records and road traffic collision data for the first time. The project aims to anonymously integrate wide-ranging data insights, providing a holistic view of the causes and consequences of road crashes in Great Britain. It will explore the relationship between road crashes and the resulting health outcomes, offering an ‘unprecedented’ approach to improving road safety and coordinating the efforts of both the healthcare and transport sectors. Dr Phil Martin, TRL’s head of transport safety, said: “This project is a global first. By anonymously linking health data with road safety data, we can unlock new insights that will enable us to approach road safety with a fresh perspective.  “Our goal is to ensure that no more lives are unnecessarily lost on Britain’s roads.”


national, southampton, news, serious injury and medical negligence